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Autorun.inf - Commands

Autorun.inf - Commands
التوقيت الحالي : 10-25-2024, 01:17 AM
مستخدمين يتصفحوا هذا الموضوع: 1 ضيف
الكاتب: dr.wolf
آخر رد: dr.wolf
الردود : 0
المشاهدات : 1950

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Autorun.inf - Commands

الكاتب الموضوع

رقم العضوية :3
الاقامة : ام الدنيا
التواجد : غير متصل
معلومات العضو
المشاركات : 7,392
الإنتساب : Oct 2010
السمعة : 5

بيانات موقعي اسم الموقع : سكيورتي العرب
اصدار المنتدى : 1.6.8

مشاركات : #1
Autorun.inf - Commands

Autorun.inf - Commands

Autorun.inf - Commands

Below are some of the commands/entries in the Autorun.inf file described briefly. A more detailed description can be found at the following Microsoft page: Autorun.inf Entries


The OPEN command specifies the path and file name of the application that AutoRun launches when a user inserts a disc in the drive. You can also specify parameters/arguments to the application.


The ICON command specifies an icon which represents the AutoRun-enabled drive in the Windows user interface. The icon is normally an .ico file, but can also be a .bmp, .exe or .dll file containing icon information. The icon file must be in the same directory as the file specified by the OPEN command.


The LABEL command specifies a text label which represents the AutoRun-enabled drive in the Windows user interface. This text label is for example in Windows Explorer showed to the right or below the drive icon.


The SHELLEXECUTE command opens a document or starts an application. Mostly used to open documents automatically. If this command is used with a document, an associated program that can open the document will be automatically run. This command requires Windows ME/2000 or newer.


The SHELL command specifies a default command for the drive's shortcut menu. The shortcut menu of the drive is the menu that is opened when the user right clicks on the drive icon.


The SHELL\VERB command adds a custom command to the drive's shortcut menu. This custom command can for example be used to launch an application on the CD/DVD.


ACTION is a command that was introduced with Windows XP SP2. It is not supported in Windows before that. This command specifies a text that should be shown as the first option in the Windows Autoplay dialog, together with the icon specified by the ICON. This option is always selected by default and if the user accepts the option, the application specified by the OPEN or SHELLEXECUTE entry in the media's Autorun.inf file is launched. As an alternative, the SHELLEXECUTE command can also specify a document instead of an application.
05-18-2011 09:50 PM
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