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Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney

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Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney
التوقيت الحالي : 02-18-2025, 12:32 AM
مستخدمين يتصفحوا هذا الموضوع: 1 ضيف
الكاتب: dr.wolf
آخر رد: dr.wolf
الردود : 0
المشاهدات : 2375

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Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney

الكاتب الموضوع

رقم العضوية :3
الاقامة : ام الدنيا
التواجد : غير متصل
معلومات العضو
المشاركات : 7,392
الإنتساب : Oct 2010
السمعة : 5

بيانات موقعي اسم الموقع : سكيورتي العرب
اصدار المنتدى : 1.6.8

مشاركات : #1
Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney

Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney

Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney

May be a very uneven race until the finish line, where he faces U.S. President Barack Obama and his Republican rival Mitt Romney and one of the most difficult presidential elections in U.S. history.

With just a little over a week to conduct the election on the sixth of next month, touring the country to visit candidates swing key states that will decide will enter the White House.

Obama said (51 years) of the voters in New Hampshire yesterday began counting days countdown until "you descend to the polling stations, and pointing your choices on the future of our country." "It's not just a choice between candidates or political parties, it is a choice between the radically different views on America."

Shows the average of the results of opinion polls conducted by the site Reel Claire Politics mail that Romney (65) takes a slightly equivalent to 1%, which is located well within the margin of error.

A month ago the polls prefer Obama, the Democratic Party candidate, but the decisive emergence of conservative Romney first three presidential debates around the cursor. The Republican candidate now believe that he has the momentum.

The Romney also was supported on the fiscal side, which is in the process to set a record in fundraising for his campaign in the last month where the collection 111.8 million in the first half of October / October. The Obama team collected 90.5 million in the same period.

Swing states
But the result, although it will not be determined by the outcome of the vote total because the American electoral system depends on the winners of each state. Fromena may win the most votes nationwide, but would lose the presidency if you did not win the important States .

Electoral system focuses a great deal of interest in excess of the number of so-called swing states where the outcome will determine the winner.

Both Obama and Romney devoted almost all his time in recent weeks on those states (Ohio, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin) as well as traditional battlefield Pennsylvania.

Obama enjoys the progress in Ohio - that have not won a Republican candidate the presidency without winning - but Romney takes the same form in the equally critical Florida.

As the race approached, grappling the Alantkhapetan campaigns every vote with Obama urged early voting States that allow citizens to vote ahead.

The TV ad shows Obama Photo bickering last election in 2000, which has seen weeks of counting of votes in Florida, where he was George W. Bush and Al Gore battling the outcome.

The announcer says advertising "537 votes is the number of votes that changed the course of American history." The declaration says, "This year if you think that your voice will not have value, it will not happen. Refer So it is likely that there will be 537 people feel the same way. Feltdjal your voice heard and Vote."

It is likely that the result will be hanging on to see voters of the economy, and any of the two men is best to manage it. Romney says that his successful experience in business put it in a better position to create jobs, and he wants to see Obama reforms in health care and control over the financial industry.

Romney said Saturday, Fla. "This is not the President was able to be on as the challenges of the times. These elections about big things and big choices." He added "That's why in November next will elect people and a team of people will work together to achieve real change and a big change for America."

The Obama campaign says that its economic policy supports middle-class Americans, but Romney plans favors the rich, and the Republican candidate plans for further tax cuts will worsen the country's budget deficit. They say that Romney does not feel the concerns of most voters.

The Obama voters day he took office in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the twenties. Through subsidies for the automotive industry and other steps, Obama refers to the extent that the change occurred.

The GDP increased at an annual rate better than expected 2% in the third quarter of the year.

A poll for Gallup last week that for the first time since Obama took office, said a large number of respondents said they are in a better position than their status since a narrow margin of 38 to 34%.

However this is not the history element for Obama: Since World War II did not win any American president in his re-election battle with an unemployment rate exceeding 7. 2%. At the same time, Romney says that Obama did not adequately despite the presence of some improvement.

المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
A slight edge to Obama on Romney
Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States
11-01-2012 10:21 PM
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