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مطلوب HEAD OF MARKETING AND SALES DEPARTMENT بمصر بتاريخ 2011-03-11

مطلوب HEAD OF MARKETING AND SALES DEPARTMENT بمصر بتاريخ 2011-03-11
التوقيت الحالي : 02-16-2025, 06:25 PM
مستخدمين يتصفحوا هذا الموضوع: 1 ضيف
الكاتب: محمود وهبة
آخر رد: محمود وهبة
الردود : 0
المشاهدات : 2697

إضافة رد 

مطلوب HEAD OF MARKETING AND SALES DEPARTMENT بمصر بتاريخ 2011-03-11

الكاتب الموضوع

رقم العضوية :1
الاقامة : مصر
التواجد : غير متصل
معلومات العضو
المشاركات : 2,259
الإنتساب : Oct 2010
السمعة : 5

بيانات موقعي اسم الموقع : سكيورتي العرب
اصدار المنتدى : 1.6.8

مشاركات : #1
مطلوب HEAD OF MARKETING AND SALES DEPARTMENT بمصر بتاريخ 2011-03-11

مطلوب HEAD OF MARKETING AND SALES DEPARTMENT بمصر بتاريخ 2011-03-11

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته:


الراتب/الأجر: (يحدد لاحقا)

مكان العمل: القاهرة، مصر

الجهة طالبة العمل :Soft Code Security

تفاصيل الوظيفة:

Director of Marketing & Sales Dep.

Direct firm’s overall marketing, strategic planning programs, and corporate communications. Facilitate client development through marketing and client services programs.

Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1.Design, implement, and facilitate annual marketing plan for our security business firm. Support and facilitate development and implementation of section business/marketing plans.
2.Plan and administer the firm’s Marketing Operations budget; support development of regional marketing budgets.
3.Organize and implement client relations including:
• Client satisfaction surveys
• Client development activities
• Client skills training
• Special events
4.Supervise firm’s RFP (Request for proposal) protocol process including soliciting RFPs from desirable prospective clients and writing proposals for new business; participate in planning and presentation sessions, when assigned.
5.Oversee business development activities including:
•Efforts through Business Development Coordinator
•Assisting attorneys in strategic planning for client presentations and market surveys
•Offer coaching for prospective client meetings, presentations, etc.
•Work with other dep. on designing and implementing prospecting and client contact systems.
6.Oversee corporate communications activities through Communications Coordinator including:
•External communications and systems
•Internal communications and systems
•Public relations efforts
7.Develop and administer marketing database, which includes client and prospect information, mailing list applications, access to financial reports, etc.
8.Assist with and support firm’s involvement in various legal networks including coordinating business development and marketing activities via these relationships.
9.Design and plan quarterly marketing training seminars for entire depts.
10.Oversee firm’s electronic marketing efforts including supervision of Web site design and maintenance.
11.Supervise, Make staffing and hiring decisions within marketing department.
Job Requirements:
Education: College degree required. Concentration in Marketing, Business, or Communications preferred.
Experience: At least five years in marketing director role within professional services environment. Strong leadership and consensus building skills; marketing management and strategic planning experience; a proven track record in developing and administering a marketing program.
Required Skills: Must be a self-starter, highly organized, and able to work well with staff at all levels in the company. Polished presentation and interpersonal skills. Must possess top-level business management, interpersonal, and facilitation skills. Needs good knowledge of Microsoft Office and Windows-based computer applications.
Special Skills: Background in Global marketing and knowledge of Elite Practice Development System a plus.

Position/Organizational Relationships
The Director of marketing and sales department directly reports to the managing director and arranges his /her inputs through the office manager to assign the best fit for his/her needs.
Level of Responsibility
Level of Supervision and Independence
The Director of marketing and sales department operates under the general direction of the managing director and interacts with all areas and levels of staff within the company and relevant external parties, which often require discretion and confidentiality.

بيانات الاتصال:

المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
مطلوب موظفات للعمل عن بعد برواتب وعمولات في مجال التجميل والعطور والمستلزمات النسائيه
مطلوب مهندس اعتماد تخصص ميكانيكا لكبرى الشركات بجدة
مطلوب فورا لاحد الشركات الكبرى فى جدة مدير مشروع
مطلوب لكبرى المستشفيات بالرياض اخصائيات جلدية
مطلوب اخصائيات علاج وظيفى وطبيعى للكويت
مطلوب لكبرى الشركات المقاولات بالسعودية حدادين ونجارين مسلح ومبلطين
مطلوب للسعودية طبيب عام لا يقل خبرة عن 10 سنوات
مطلوب على وجه السرعة مدير مالى للسعودية
مطلوب فورا للسعودية اخصائيين شئون
عااااااجل مطلوب للمستشفيات الكبرى بالسعوديه اطباء
03-11-2011 05:52 PM
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